Chronic Depression:

Chronic Depression:

Stigma Busting and the Broken Leg: Clinical Depression also called Major Depressive Disorder, is a serious, and very VALID medical illness. It can be acute (one episode lasting a few weeks) or more often chronic (numerous episodes over the span of many years, waxing...
Panic Attacks and Panic Disorder

Panic Attacks and Panic Disorder

What is a panic attack really? As a Maui Psychologist, I hear many people with severe generalized anxiety or those who are emotionally activated by a significant stressor in their life state “I was so upset I had a panic attack.” While I have immense...
Clinical Depression:

Clinical Depression:

Medications, Therapy, or Both? At West Maui Counseling Center, we work with lots of our Maui community members who are struggling with Clinical Depression. First and foremost, we conduct a thorough assessment during the first few appointments and obtain the correct...
Surviving vs. Thriving

Surviving vs. Thriving

For those of us who grew up in not so safe homes, we all learned “rules” to survive the chaos. Often times what we figured out was to keep our heads down and not draw attention to ourselves, so bad things don’t happen to us. Another rule we learn is to not take risks,...